During Lent, we create a space to listen to our longings. Many of us heard scripture passages this last Sunday about wandering in the wilderness this past Sunday, and in today’s Psalm we hear about our souls longing for God like a dry land. We often ignore our longings, push past them, resist them. And we might even think that Lent is the time to do just that - to fast from things that are unhealthy for us, or to refrain from things we love maybe a little too much. But if we go further under the surface, we hear our deeper longings: our longing for love. Acceptance. Belonging. Forgiveness. Hope. Healing. Comfort. Strength. So today as you listen to Psalm 63, give yourself that space to listen for that longing deep within, that longing that in the end, only God can truly satisfy.
You can find lyrics, scores/books, mp3s, CDs for O God, You Are My God
Find our more about our music at www.celticpsalms.com
In the Lenten Psalms and Practices series, there will be a weekly podcast that will come out on Wednesdays throughout Lent. And for paid subscribers, on Fridays, you will receive a short video leading you through a practice each week, as well as an mp3 of the Lenten Psalm.
Toward the end of Lent, I will also be offering a Lenten Practices Workshop live on Zoom, and I would love for you to join me. If you'd appreciate a chance to go deeper this Lent with these Psalms and practices, I invite you to be part of this journey with me. Become a paid subscriber for a deeper experience of Lenten Psalms and Practices.
Celtic Psalms St. Patrick’s Week Tour
This week, we’re embarking on a St. Patrick’s Day Tour, beginning in Belfast and then traveling from the Northeast to Midwest US. These concerts promise to be a healing balm in a hectic and fraught time. Please come, sing with us, and say hello!
Tour Details here https://www.celticpsalms.com/events/
Follow Kiran’s monthly reflections on Bless My Feet
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